
Let's Glow


Brene Brown talks about getting rid of the “candle-blower outers” in our life, and we set out to do that with “Let’s Glow.” This summer long Pride activation for Yahoo was a super meaningful project for me. I was the lead writer and concepted “Let’s Glow,” a flexible concept that worked across editorial, marketing, and experiential popups across the US and UK.

LinkedIn Employee spotlight posts

I interviewed several coworkers and selected the quotes to appear in their spotlight.

Brighton Pride Activation

What do you do when you need to deliver videos in one week? Repurpose! We grabbed these employee spotlights celebrating Pride and recut them into videos for the Brighton Pride festival, playing after every concert throughout the weekend.

We concepted and created a catwalk experience to support our headline sponsorship at the Brighton Pride festival. An important detail was making the catwalk accessible, so anyone could participate, including wheelchair users.

The takeaway — shareable catwalk videos to share with all the hashtags.